Houseplant Q&As – Page 4 – House Plant Journal



Plant: Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata)

How long have you had the plant? Over 4 years


Bottom leaves became yellow and drop.  For the plants life there were no issues.  Since about a month ago the problem started.  My mother visited around that time and the since then I notice too much humidity in the pot.  Now it’s better in terms of humidity, but the leaves keep turning yellow and falling

Light Situation:

From this spot, the plant gets about 3 hours of direct sun.

How do you determine WHEN to water: I follow the schedule I was told for this plant – once a week

Describe HOW you water: I pour a small amount of water onto the soil

What fertilizer do you use? I use COMPO green plants NPK 7+3+6

When was the last time you repotted? I haven’t repotted.


Thanks for the photos and info!  Here’s my assessment and recommendations:

If you want to know when to calmly remove dead leaves – I think you’ll enjoy my book and online course.